Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Favorite Television Shows!

The Mole
EASILY my favorite show. I had a "Celebrity Mole Hawaii" marathon 2 weeks ago. And "The Mole" Season one marathon this week. (Lauren I have both of those seasons on DVD if you want to borrow.) And OF COURSE I have been watching this season. So happy its back! Mark you are the mole

Big Brother
This is defintely my close 2nd favorite. Click the word Big Brother to read about it. Go Memphis!

Desperate Housewives
Ooooh how I love this show! They usually always have such good plots and I am always dying for the next episode. Definitely keeps my interest. Next season twist? The show shoots 5 years into the future!

Real World: HOLLYWOOD!
Whoo! This season was awesome especially because it was in HOLLYWOOD.

Amazing Race
LOVE. THIS. SHOW. I think one reason I really love it is because one week you are in first next week you could be out! Its so unpredictable, one false move and you lose! Such a good show.

Well there are my favorite shows. Mom, Lauren, any shows I missed? I have to have missed SOMETHING!


Jenibelle said...

You forgot Project Runway!!


skyler said...

I LOOOOOOOOOOVE the mole and big brother. we are SO borrowing those mole DVD's so i can get skyler addicted!!! i haven't been watching big brother this season though :( I think me and skyler should apply for the amazing race, got ANY ideas for us for a video?

skyler said...

oops! sorry thhat's me [lo], but skyler is just signed onto my computer!!

Jeff said...

Lolo I totally jumped when I saw you say Skyler and You on Amazing Race! That would be AMAZING! Just thinking of it! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I have no ideas but you HAVE to apply!

Erin said...

I haven't seen the Mole yet. Maybe I'll have to start watching. I love The Amazing Race, though.

mr. g said...

I know your TRUE favorite reality show--Greatest American Dog!

Jeff said...

Ewww Dad, I hate that show!!!

Anonymous said...

If I was ever on a game show and my category was reality tv, you would be my lifeline! love ya cuz!

Miss Candy Anderson said...

How can you be Summey's brother and not like the First 48? Does she know this? And if so how did she handle it?